Adult Hearing Checks

At Glynis McPherson Hearing Clinic, we go above and beyond to ensure that not only are you assessed in a professional and thorough assessment, but that we also can provide information about your hearing that is specific to you and your life.

We like to have a conversation about your general health, your ears and hearing troubles. The reason why we do this is to find out aspects of your hearing health history.

By finding out about your general health and lifestyle we are able to customized a hearing aid program that is most suited to you.


The process


Outer ear testing – Otoscopy

We look inside the ear canal using an instrument called an otoscope. We can view the ear canal to check if it is healthy, check for any wax blockages and also look at your eardrum health.



Middle Ear Testing – Tympanometry

This tests the middle ear by blowing a small puff of air into the ear canal. This can tell us if the eardrum and middle ear bones are working well and moving normally or not. We can also use it to check for ear infections and if you have Eustachian Tube troubles.



Entire Ear testing – Pure Tone Audiometry

Using earphones, we play a series of different pitch sounds and ask you to push a button for every sound you can hear. What we are testing here is the softest sound you can hear at each and every frequency that is important to speech understanding. This is called Air Conduction testing.

We then use a Bone Conductor to also check your hearing. This test allows us to determine what part of the ear is affected and causing hearing loss.

We plot the results on a graph of hearing called audiogram which shows a normal hearing range and then varying levels of loss for each pitch of sound.



Once we have all the results, we look at your hearing health as a whole picture in combination with the real life experiences you have told us about in our initial conversation. We then look at possible solutions to help you hear better.



We explain all the results thoroughly.